Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The Neighbours - Bisexual Gay Peeping Tom Fantasy

 The Neighbours
When one door closes, just look in the window

They moved in over 9 months ago, taking over the old pirates place. The old pirate was the man who owned the apartment before them. He had an eyepatch and had a thing for billowy sleeves and robes. I hadn't seen him for some time and had the odd thought about going to check up on him. But right as I was about to, the scruffy wall of a man and his wife moved in. 

Our apartments weren't technically next to one another. My apartment and theirs were in a corner of a building, so my balcony and their balcony weren't that far from each other. I could see into their bedroom and their living room through their balcony door. They could see into my living room and my kitchen from their point of view. Now, I don't make it a habit to be nosey or spy on my neighbours, but sometimes it just kind of happens. Especially when you get curious by the sounds you hear from the other side of the wall you share with them. 

More often than not, I'd end up taking a look because of some sort of banging around. They had a lot of pictures, shelving, and other stuff on their walls, so each time I'd look in I would check to see if they added anything else. But on the rare occasion, I'd hear what sounded like moaning and the sounds of a bed hitting the wall. It's happened once or twice where I'd go take a look and I'd have a view of them having sex. I know I shouldn't be a creep, but at the same time, if you leave your blinds open you have to expect that someone will be looking at some point, right?

He was giving it to her real good, from what it sounded like. I'd hear her moans and his, the squeaking of the bed, the headboard knocking into the wall, all of it. There was one time I could hear a wet noise and moaning and I spent the entire time wondering if the guy was just jerking off with a lot of lube, or if she was giving him a real wet hand job. 

After a time I did learn the difference. She would get him off quicker, but he'd edge himself for a while. So, based off of how long he was moaning, I could generally surmise what was going on. Over the past while though, I haven't heard much of anything. 

I didn't really hear her as much lately and I started to wonder if she had moved out or something. I'd hear him playing music very often and sometimes I'd look over to see that he'd be just sitting there in his underwear, enjoying the music. I'd be lying if I said I didn't let my eyes wander and linger over his body. He was often coming home and putting on music and just sitting there and enjoying his music in his underwear. But something interesting started to happen. I noticed that nearly every day he'd have this thick bulge in his underwear. At first I had to do a triple take to really piece together what I was seeing. He was a hot guy. He was scruffy and kinda beefy, with a nice beard sometimes. Now add what appears to be a long thick dick to the mix and he was pretty much perfect. 

It became almost like a ritual for me. I'd get home, often times I'd already hear his music playing, and it wasn't bad stuff either. So, I'd end up bopping along with him sometimes as I nursed a beer and checked in on him. It was interesting to watch him just sit in his chair, his phone in one hand just scrolling the web, all the while in some combination of underwear and hoody, or underwear and tank top. I preferred the hoody and briefs combo, myself. His sweaters looked really comfy and it just looked really cute on him. Anyways, he'd just sit there and I started to notice that he'd be hard and just ignoring it. But I'll never forget the day that I checked in on my neighbour friend and watching his cock get big and hard in his briefs. It was incredibly hot to watch as his briefs got really tight and I could see the fabric straining around his girth. I could even see a glimpse of his piss slit through the fly on his briefs. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't touching myself as it happened. But it was still rather confusing to me. He was hard all the time and yet he wasn't doing anything about it. Just ignoring his big dick. If mine was that big, I'd be playing with it all the time. I wonder what was up with him? Where was his wife?

I had made my way through the public transport maze that was downtown and made it home in one of the quieter neighbourhoods just outside of the downtown bubble. I walked the stone path towards the front door, looking up to see my neighbours balcony door open and cleaning supplies and a garbage bag sitting on the balcony. My curiousity was piqued. I wonder what was up. Spring cleaning, perhaps?
I got inside and b-lined my way to the window to take a peek. The broom had been moved, but I was able to see that a lot of the walls had been cleared out. It looked a lot less chaotic now, but I could also tell that something was really off about this situation. I stepped away for a bit and did my usual routine of post-work shower, my post-work beer, and post-work wank. Although today my mind was a little too busy and I couldn't get that last one in. 

After a bit I checked in on my neighbour friend. More photos had been taken down and his couch was gone. I'm not sure why but it just dawned on me that maybe he's moving out entirely. Which kind of made me sad. I hadn't really spoken to him much and most of what I knew of him was what I heard or got to see, but I'd still miss him. He was the hot neighbour that had fun sexual experiences and happened to walk around in tight underwear. How could I not miss that? 

Later that night I was running my dishwasher and noticed a light turned on at his place. I walked over and looked in. His chair was still there, a book shelf, a lamp, and a coffee table. Interesting...So he didn't move out. His wife did? 

My line of thinking was broken up when I saw him walking around with boxes and getting things sorted. He was wearing a tank top and cargo pants that were actually well fitted. Not something you usually see in a cargo pant. Wonder where he got them...Anyway, he looked good. He looked sweaty. He looked....Sad. 

He sat in his chair and looked down at his phone for a bit and then tossed his phone. He looked stressed out and I felt bad for him in this moment. I should stop in to see how he's doing. But I just have to be stealthy and not let on that I've been a weirdo whos been watching him. In my defense, I usually only take a look like two or three times a night and I only watch for like a minute at most. I'm not camped out with a camcorder and camouflage or something. 

He put his feet up on his coffee table and used a remote, I guess he still has his TV. He stood up and took off his pants, kicking them off to the side, so he was just standing there in his briefs and his tank top. He reached for the hem and pulled off his tank top in one smooth motion and then walked off. He looked really sweaty and his body hair had grown in more - which threw me off. Was he trimming it for her or something? 

He came back with a beer and sat back in his chair, kicking his feet up and pulled up his phone. He sipped as he scrolled and I noticed that the bulge in his underwear was getting bigger. I watched as he adjusted his leg, shifting his quickly hardening cock so it moved up towards his waistband, straining the fabric and pressing the fly open. I watched as he slowly stroked his newly hairy stomach and scrolled on his phone, taking a swig of his beer and flexing his dick every now and again. His beard had grown in more and it was a lot more scruffy than he usually kept it. It looked good on him, the whole wild man thing. His hand drifted down to his crotch and I watched with anticipation as he began to slowly stroke his cock through the fabric. He'd occasionally thrust his hips into his palm and gyrate his hips as he sat there. 

He stood up swiftly and slid off his briefs, freeing his beast of a cock. It bobbed and swayed as he stood there for a second before he sat back down. He took another swig from his beer and scrolled on his phone as he began to slowly rub and tug on his cock. He would switch from an overhand grind to his regular grip, just slowly massaging and stroking his cock. It began to get really engorged and would pulse and throb. I watched on in awe as I could see his cock head get slick with precum. He started to get into a rhythm of jerking himself off, switching hands, and even using both his hands. He looked so sexy, his sweaty beefy torso  all leaned back like that as he pleasured himself.  I felt so wrong for watching, but I was transfixed. It's like I could feel his sexual energy. Like he was having some sort of divinely sexual experience. 

He slid his thick fingers over his cock head, thrusting his hips into his palm. I would watch as his mouth would fall open, watching him gasp and moan but not hearing it was a peculiar sensation. He set his phone down and focused on jerking his big cock with both his hands. He was pumping his fists and I could see him moaning and then the unthinkable happened. 

He locked eyes with me as he pumped his giant cock with both of his big meaty hands and worked himself over the edge as his thick cock started spurting out hot cum all over his hairy thick torso. His mouth stayed open as he looked at me, he stuck his tongue out as he pumped his cock, getting every last drop out. He raised his hand and started to lick and eat his own cum, not for a second breaking eye contact.  

What...just happened?

He smiled as he pulled his hands off his cock and got up and went to go clean up. I stood there, stupefied as to what just happened. He's known I've been watching him and that must be his way of letting me know. My own dick was leaking precum and had soaked a big spot in my boxers. I need to jerk off, but I almost want to go stop in on him and see if he wants to play around.  

The next morning i decided to go over to his door to ask for sugar, offer him a joint, and to explain myself, since he obviously knew I was peeping in on him and bribing him with drugs will help with that conversation. I made my way through the hall and found his door. I waited for a few moments after I knocked and could hear some shuffling around inside. A moment later the door swung open and there he was in a robe and bed head. 

"Uhh, hi! I'm Beau. I'm in 222 and I was wondering if I could borrow some sugar and also apologize" 
I said rather quickly. 

He smirked and chuckled. 
"Chris...and apologize for what?"

"Apologize for what exactly? Could you....explain what you did?"
"I-uhh...yes. Yeah. Yup. But first, I'd like to offer a hemp olive branch"
I handed him the joint, watching him look at it in his hand then back to me, that smirk still on his face. 
"Go on..."
"I have occasionally looked in on your place, cause I'm nosey...But I didn't mean to see what I saw last night. I'm really sorry"
He leaned against the doorway and the turned his body and made a sweeping motion with his hand. 
"Come in".
I headed in and took off my flip flops and followed him into his kitchen. I didn't have a view of it, so this was my first time seeing it. It was a little empty, but he had some nice mugs. He pulled out a chair in his living room and then went back to his kitchen as I sat down. 
"Uh, sure."
"Is this why you needed sugar?"
"I mean, yeah, technically..."
"So, one scoop or two?"

He came back with two mugs of coffee and handed me a mug. He stood and walked around slowly and he sipped his coffee. 
"Uhh, yeah, so, I'm really sorry for what I did. You were having a private moment and it was wrong of me. Just tell me how I can fix this"
Chris let out a chuckle and said. 
"Chill dude, it's fine...I noticed you a few times over the past few months and initially it threw me off...but then I kinda liked it..."
I stopped mid sip of my coffee and looked up to him as he walked behind me and stood to the right of me. 
"You-wait...you did?"
I asked surprised. 

"Yeah...I felt like I was kinda putting on a show. I would just be looking at porn and sitting here getting all horned up...It actually helped me get over some recent stuff."
Chris said and took a sip and looked at my peace offering. 
"Wanna smoke it with me?"
He asked. 

"Uh, sure. Yeah...A nice wake n' bake never hurt nobody".

Chris opened his balcony door and I could see a glimpse of his heavy dick through the gap in his robe. Oh, he was naked under there. He passed me his coffee and lit up the joint and took a big hit off of it before blowing smoke slowly up into the air. He looked at me with half lidded eyes through the haze and put the lighter back in his robe pocket and then took his coffee back. He took another big hit and then passed it to me, where I took a decent hit and held it for a bit before blowing out a narrow smoke stream. I passed the joint back to him and instructed. 

"You finish it. It's my apology blunt".

Chris let out a laugh as he took the joint and then took another hit off of it. 

"Did you guys break up?" 
I asked. 

Chris looked to me through the smoke and stayed quiet for a moment before he explained. 
"We did... It just kind of fizzled after we moved in...which was rough"
"Fair...that kind of stuff is hard...but you really get to know someone by living with them"
Chris nodded as he took a sip of his coffee. 
"Yeah, plus the sex just died too and I've been basically wanting to climb the walls but just...couldn't do anything until I knew what was going on with us...y'kno? Like I wanted to get to fuckin' but I wanted to make sure everyones feelings were okay..."
"You're a conscientious and loyal lover. It's commendable".
"alrighty, big words" He said with a chuckle. 
I laughed with him and shrugged. 
"I enjoy the crossword, what can I say?"
Chris took the last hit on the joint and blew out a slow stream of smoke. He set the joint in the ashtray he had on his balcony and stepped back inside, closing the screen sliding door behind him. 
"Thanks for the joint, dude. You really didn't have to..."
He said as he stood to the left of me again. 

I looked up to him and took a sip of my coffee before saying. 
"I really just wanted to make sure that everything was okay with us. I mean, I should've introduced myself a long time ago. It shouldn't have taken this for us to meet.." 
chris shrugged and said. 
"Ehh, it's alright. I kinda like that this is how we're getting closer...".

Getting closer? I'm sorry, what did he mean? 

"I mean, I was embarrassed at the start of this, so this is a nice turn of events"
"Anyways, now that your single, are you ready to run through the girls on this side of town?"
Chris finished his coffee and walked back into the kitchen where I could hear him pour himself another cup. 
He walked back out and adjusted his blinds and walked back over to me, coffee in one hand, his other hand holding his robe closed. I knew he was naked under there and I had to actively not fantasize. Or maybe I should? I mean, I got to see him lose himself in ecstasy as he was looking at me. 

He stood to the left of me and looked out his balcony door and he let out a chuckle.

"Oh, boy..."

I laughed in response, my high hadn't kicked in yet, but it was always fun to watch someone else get to that point. 

"Ya feelin' it buddy?" 

Chris looked to me and nodded, his pupils looking a little pink. 

"That's some good stuff...you have good taste" 

"Oh, thank you. I'm a cannabinoid connoisseur, after all..." 

I replied with a chuckle. The buzz starting to kick in. 

Chris' smirk evolved into a full toothy smile. 

"I can tell... I gotta get you to buy some for me. I just feel so... good..which is kinda new". 

He said the last part a little quieter and took my chance. 

"Were things not really healthy with your ex?" 

Chris drank from his cup as he looked to me and let out a sigh. 

"A partner shouldn't want you to dim your light... especially because that light helps to illuminate new parts of yourself... ykno?" 

From that I assume that he was growing as a person and she wasn't okay with it, so, friction. 

"I mean, within reason...cause like, it's not like I discovered I was into taxidermy or something... I just learned and accepted more about what or who I want in life...that's not a bad thing" 

He said with a reassuring tone, but I couldn't help but laugh. 


"What? It was that or cryptocurrency. I chose the less offensive option" 

He added and then finished off his coffee and went and set his coffee down in the kitchen before coming back out into the living room. Without him holding his coffee cup, his robe flowed open more and I caught a glimpse of his dick. Had he been talking to me while half hard? Maybe he was an exhibitionist? Also, what does he mean about how he learned and accepted who he wants in life? Great, he's hot, hung, and a riddle. 

I tore my eyes away from the opening in his robe and looked to his face. He was looking at me with a smirk as he walked closer to me, his robe opening and closing with a flowing movement as he walked. 

"Now, I'm cool with you watching me.. it's kinda hot, actually... but what got you looking in all the time?" 

He asked as he stood closely to my left. I looked up to him, trying to not look into his half open robe, especially since his growing girthy cock would be at eye level. 

"Honestly? I got really curious about all the stuff you had on your walls. So many knick knacks and stuff, it was like a little game where I'd see if I could find something new...but then..." 

I paused as my eyes glanced down his robe quickly. 

"Then, what?" 

He asked softly. 

"Then I saw you and I thought you were cute...which was all I needed to sneak a peak... but then.." 

I glanced back down his robe, my eyes burning a hole into his robe where his dick would be. 

He moved a little closer and gently adjusted his robe so his quickly thickening monster cock was just inches from my face. 

"Then.... what?"

He asked again more softly but with an intensity that drove me nuts. 

I opened my mouth and moved my head towards his nearly hard dick. I felt his hand on the back of my head, guiding me to his uncut cock. I glided my tongue along the underside of his throbbing cock head and I could hear him let out a whimper and then a sigh. I wrapped my hands around the base of his cock and started to pump his cock as my tongue wrote the alphabet on the underside of his cock. Feeling his dick growing in my hand and mouth was so hot. This guy had one of those porn dicks that was just mind boggling and left you in awe. 

I started to slowly swallow his big cock as I looked up to him, his eyes' already burning a hole in my head. We locked eyes and I felt the hand on the back of my head grip my hair and he let out another whimper before he started to use his giant cock to fuck my face. I swirled my hand around his cock as he guided my head up and down his shaft. He pulled me off of him and he just looked at me and then his cock. His foreskin had fully pulled back, he was fully hard and getting to see the dribbles of pre-cum ooze out of his slit drove me wild. He looked at my open wet mouth and I felt the tip of his cock tap against my lower lip while he let out a grunt. I opened my mouth wider while I looked up at him and slowly lowered myself onto his thick cock, only stopping once I felt his cock head slide down the back of my throat. We didn't break eye contact as he started to fuck my throat, my eyes beginning to water, the sounds of him skullfucking me while his balls slapped my chin was like a horny symphony to me. I've fantasized about blowing him for months now, and now it's happening!

He got into a nice rhythm as he pumped in and out of my mouth, his hands moving from behind my head to my cheeks. He gently held my head as he fucked my face, stroking my cheeks with his thumbs. There was a certain tenderness that I didn't anticipate and it turned me on even more. I was sitting in his living room giving him marathon head, my spit dribbling down my chin and onto my chest, my cock was throbbing in my pants and I felt like I could've cum just from him skullfucking me. I loved how he was using my mouth as his personal sex toy, all while stroking my gently and keeping eye contact. It affirmed that those screams of pleasure I was hearing from his ex were definitely because of him. I wonder what he'd do if I bottomed for him...

He bit his lip and closed his eyes, his heavy goose egg balls slapping against my chin, my spit coating his cock, his balls, his crotch, he was getting faster and more erratic. I moved my hands around his cock and began to circle and pump his dick as he jammed his monster cock down my throat. His breathing picked up and he moved his hands so he was holding my head still as he fucked me, pounding the back of my throat as he panted and moaned. I used my one hand to massage his balls, slowly pulling and tugging, playing with his big nuts in my hand as he fucked my face, my cock straining and smearing the inside of my pants with precum, I was so turned on and I thought again about how good he'd be at fucking me. I removed my hand from his shaft and freed my cock, quickly jerking off as he continued furiously fucking my face. I found myself getting really close, really fast, which worked great as I looked up to Chris and saw his mouth hanging open, his eyes half open, losing himself and seemingly blissed out as he pounded his monster cock down my throat. 
"Fuck, fuck...fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck"
He said as he tightened his grip on my head and locked eyes with me. 
"I'm gonna cum, where do you want it?"

I moved my hand from his balls and started to jerk his cock and started bobbing on it, letting him know I wanted him to blast his cum down my throat. I wanted to taste him, drink him in. His hips bucked and he started thrusting at a faster pace again, his thick cock head sliding in and out of the back of my throat, his moaning grew louder. His left hand was stroking my cheek while his right hand tightened its grip on my hair, his moans and whimpers getting louder as he let out a loud moan and I felt the first gush of cum across the back of my tongue and shoot down my throat. He continued to fuck my throat as he was cumming, my spit and his cum mixing as it started dribbling down my chin. I jerked my own cock and started to cum as I sat in his chair with his monster cock buried down my throat. I came as he slowed his thrusts and held my head in one place as he panted and looked down at me. 

"Holy....Holy shit..."
His cock was still in my mouth and I used my tongue to nurse the underside of his cock to get all of his cum. His hands tightened on my head again and he let out a whimper before he pulled out of me. I sat there covered in a mixture of my spit and his cum, my lips all red and swollen from the aggressive skull fucking I just got. I looked up at him with my mouth open, some of his cum still on my tongue. He bent over and kissed me, sticking his tongue in my mouth as we french kissed with his cum, passing it back and forth before he broke the kiss and swallowed his own cum. His girthy monster had began to shrink, but still looked heavy and spent, my right hand gently playing with his balls. 

"So, do you accept my apology?"
I asked sarcastically. 

Chris let out a loud laugh and then got on his knees and wrapped his big beefy arms around my shoulders. He was only inches from my face as he looked at my chin that was coated in his cum. He licked my chin, lapping up his own cum. He would kiss me on the lips softly between each lick. 
"I made such a mess of ya, maybe I should be the one to apologize....besides, if I accept your apology, this may never happen again..." 
I let out a chuckle and slipped my arm around him and squeezed him. 
"I can assure you, accepting my apology will not exclude you from getting to fuck me again."
"Oh thank god...cause....that was amazing and I'd love to do it again."
That made me feel really good and my cock twitched at the thought of our future sexual adventures. 

"Although I may still look in on your place now, likely even more so after this..."
He looked to me and smiled. 
"I'd hope so...you like watching me, don't you?"
I nodded, feeling a sense of shame and horniness wash over me. 
"Great...well, feel free to watch me...I'll give ya show...but if you ever want an in person show, you know where I live...". 
He said softly as he kissed my cheek and stood up. 

A few days later

After our hot encounter I jerked off a few times just thinking about Chris. I was a bit busy with work however and hadn't been able to peep in on him or see him, until I heard my phone vibrate. It was a message from Chris, a photo actually. 

'Hey! Want a private show tonight? I'm feeling...up to it'

It took me half a second to reply back with...


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