Monday, April 15, 2024

One Shots: My Brother's Friend Mike & His Beer Can Cock - Full short story


He was my brother’s friend. Mike was his name.
My relationship with my brother hasn’t always been perfect, but we get along now that we’re grown. He met Mike at the peak of when things were bad between Dalton and I, so he got a front row seat to the fiery teenage anger. But ever since I came back to town and moved into Dalton’s basement, things have been really great. Mike is a sweet and goofy sports guy. He’s tall, lanky, and when he’s drunk he gets very handsy. It was really fun getting to meet the adult version of Mike.
Here and there Mike was helping me out when it came to moving furniture or helping me grab the last of my things from my last place. I’d pay him in beer and we’d get to talking and we got on really well.
The night of a Patriots game and he was staring at my mouth and I eventually asked him if I had something in my teeth and Mike just paused for a second before saying.
“Nah, you’re good mate”
His buzz had kicked in and he was smirking that goofy smirk of his. Mike wasn’t my type…but he was also totally my type? He was friendly, fun, and chill, which made him my type. But, he was my brother’s friend and I had to ignore those thoughts and the looks he was giving me.

After the game had ended and the team he wanted had won, he was full of this renewed confidence and cockiness. He was telling this story about a girl he was seeing and went into locker room talk. Talking about how her tits bounced, or how her ass clapped around his ‘hog’ as he called it. He was standing in front of me in the kitchen and was knocking back his beer as he told his story. I noticed he was looking at my mouth again and the beer was influencing my decisions, so I thought I’d slowly lick my lips and see if it got a reaction. Mike was in the middle of describing some of the stories she’d tell him after they’d fuck and he stopped to watch me lick my lips. Hook, line, and sinker.

The night carried on and Dalton threw on some music and everyone was drinking and chatting. Mike was still hanging out with me in the kitchen and telling me about this other girl he got with. After a while I mentioned.
“Y’know, I’d tell you some of my stories but I haven’t gotten any tail here yet”
Mike let out a chuckle.
“That’s alright! We’ll get you laid in no time. Who knows, you may get lucky tonight….or somethin’ “
I paused to process what he said and looked to him as I took a slow swig from my beer, swallowed, and slowly licked my lips again. Watching Mike’s eyes following my tongue.
“Oh? Gonna hook me up with someone here? I wasn’t aware there was another homo amongst the bunch”
Mike smirked again and stepped closer to the kitchen island and to me. He was right in front of where I was sitting now.
“There isn’t, but I can think of somethin’ fun…”
I was intrigued and leaned forward on the seat and tilted my head to the side, exposing my neck to him. An easy trick to get a guys attention.
“Would that be fun for everyone? Or would it be more of a …two person thing?”
Mike gripped his beer and then moved his hand down to his pants and gripped his thick cock through the fabric and shook it at me. My eyes were fixated on how he wasn’t able to easily grab his beer can thick cock. 
“I was hopin’ just you n’ me…”
Mike said as he gently shook his thick dick at me with that goofy ass grin of his.
Looks like I’m getting some dick tonight.
The following morning…

I woke up in my basement suite in a daze. The beers didn’t affect me too badly, but I was still disoriented. I looked around and saw that my clothes and another set of clothes were strewn haphazardly out my bedroom door and into the living room. I slowly looked over my shoulder to see the tall, lanky, and goofy guy sleeping next to me. I had to quickly scan my memory to see what happened last night and I was a little relieved but disappointed when I remembered that Mike and I snuck down to my place and we stripped each other and made out passionately for what felt like hours. We were grinding on each other and at one point we both had to stop because of getting too close. That’s right, after that we came to my bed and made out more and we both got sleepy and that’s all that happened.
Still deciding if that’s a good or a bad thing.

I looked to Mike and then looked over his long body, his feet sticking off the edge of the bed. I couldn’t help but notice he had some major morning wood. I laid back down and snuggled up next to him and laid my arm across his torso, my hand resting on his hip. This caused him to stir and he let out a groggy grunt. He shifted his arm and wrapped it around my shoulders and pulled me in closer so that my body was against his, my hand now resting only inches from the waking giant in his underwear. He let out another grunt and I looked up to his face and saw him open one eye to look down at me. He grunted again and pulled me in closer, so that I was halfway on top of him. He shifted and hugged me with both arms and stretched as he did so, letting out a series of grunts and moans. He gently let me go and I slid back to being by his side. I wasn’t accustomed to sleeping with someone who was that much bigger than me…and it was kinda hot. I wondered what it would be like if he just picked me up and had his way with me. Those barely awake horny thoughts still in my mind.

He slowly stroked my shoulder and let out another grunt as he arched his back and stretched, his big slab of morning wood strained the fabric of his underwear as he did so. My mouth just started watering at the sight of him. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten any dick and now I’m waking up next to a super sweet guy with one of the best cocks I’ve ever seen, so of course I’m firing on all cylinders right now. I let out a chuckle and said groggily.
“Getting all the sleep out of ya?”

Mike let out a deep and sleepy chuckle.
“Tryin’ anyways…”.

I rested my hand back on his lower stomach, the tip of his thick mushroom head was only a few centimeters away. He shifted his hips and his dick brushed against my hand.

I laughed and then grabbed his cock through the fabric, causing him to pause and go silent. I looked to him and leaned in and kissed him.
“Morning…let me help you out”

Mike just nodded and watched as I shifted and ended up kneeling between his legs with my mouth open and waiting for the gift I was about to receive. I slid my hand into the fly of his underwear and wrestled his thick cock through the opening. I looked it over, studying how thick and plump it was. I looked to Mike and said.
“Damn, dude…”

Mike let out a laugh and he reached for his hat and then put it backwards on my head.
“I know, I know…Think yer up for it?”

I used my other hand to free his heavy nuts from the fly and then used my main hand to slide it up the shaft, watching him shiver.
“I think so…If I win, can I keep the hat?”

Mike looked sleepy, horny, and dazed and nodded.
“You can have whatever you want, Ben…”.

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