Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The Belmont Lounge - A mafia romance (NSFW Images/Gifs)

                                                           The Belmont Lounge 
a mafia romance

The gangs and various criminal enterprises have always had their fingers in many pies. But one that people often forget is just how essential these questionable men were essential in keeping queer spaces safe. One such example is Dean Connelly. Rough, scruffy, and gruff in a quick summary. 

Dean was a staple here at the lounge far before I got there. Dean was older than me by a decent amount, but I'm not too sure how much older. Was he looking really good for his age? Or really bad for his age? Depending on your viewpoint, I suppose. Either way, I started being a key holder at the lounge, closing up on Wednesday and Sunday. It was a good job and the pay was surprisingly good, so I had every intention on staying...then I met Dean and I was sure if it. 

The Belmont Lounge has been around for going on 70 years. It was started by Hugo Belmont after he got back from deployment, who wanted to create his ideal bar that he'd want to meet his soulmate in. It became a bastion for secretive hookups and affairs, straight or otherwise. 

I was introduced to Dean a few months ago, only seeing him every few weeks. He wasn't in frequently, but he was well known in there. Dean was particularly friendly with Wade Otani, the current manager. Wade was a sweetie and always impeccably dressed, even if I didn't understand every look he was going for, he was still pretty. 

Speak of the devil, he was coming towards me out of the back hall that lead to the kitchen, offices, and private rooms. He smiled his small but friendly smile, his fine lines appearing. He was quite handsome and he was older. 
"Hello Ben, how does today find you?" Wade asked as he stepped behind the bar. 

I tossed my bar towel on the counter and leaned against the bar. 

"Slow, but good I'd say. Not many tables, but some high bills amongst the bunch... the balsamic got another complaint, by the way." I finished with a smile. 

Wade let out a light but quick chuckle and looked at the three tables we had currently and then back to me. 

"You've met Mr. Connelly, correct?" 
"Uh, yes. But only like two or three times. Is he coming in today?" 
"Yeah, Connelly will be in later in the evening. He'll be bringing an entourage of sorts and he'll be using the private rooms."
"Room...or rooms? Like, he's booking all three rooms?"
Wade nodded and raised his eyebrows with an exasperated expression on his face. 
", how can I help? I am closing tonight, so, is there anything I should be doing besides regular closing duties? I know Mr. Connelly is a special person to the Belmont, so...we rolling out the red carpet?"
Wade leaned against the bar, his biceps straining the button down fabric. 
"That's my big ask. Mr. Connelly and associates are celebrating a big event - some merger or something - they'll be here closer to 20:30, so we'll need the last guests out by eight, in order for us to make sure everything is set" 
I nodded to signal I was following. So far nothing too drastic, sounds like a private party. 
"The more difficult part of my ask is that they may carry their festivities far past our usual closing hours. Mr. Connelly and the group he is aligned with are incredibly important to the Belmont and we want to make ourselves available to them. So, would you be able to stay until they leave?" 
Ahhh, there's the downside. 
"You'll get an hour and two fifteen paid breaks and if you're here past 02:30 I'll pay you time and a half" 
Dammit he was good. 
"You know how much I like my sleep Wade... make me a pot of coffee as you're leaving later and you have a deal"
Wade lit up and clasped his hands while letting out a sigh. 
"Perfect. Tonight has to go smoothly... but not at the expense of the staff, so you agreeing is a big relief." Wade finished and called over his shoulder. 
"Thanks Ben and I'll have a strong pot waiting for ya". 


The last of the public was wrapping up their bill as Dean arrived. He was wearing a tight white t-shirt, a pair of off-white shorts, a grey hat and his wallet in his hand. He had a rather blocky head, but it worked for him. Dean and I had only interacted twice before this and both times he was rather aloof and gruff. I think he was one of those people that just looks mean, but really is a softie. But I could also be super wrong, afterall, Dean was a Connelly and if I was to pay attention to the gossip, then Dean would be part of the mob. Although who said mob bosses couldn't also be softies? 

I made my way over to Dean, eyeing him up and down. He had tattoos, stubble, muscles, and body hair. Add dangerous power to that, he was a gay with daddy issues, dream man. 

"Mr. Connelly, good to see you again" 

Dean turned more to look at me. That stone cold face softened into a mischievous smirk. Oh, fuck. 

"Why thank you, Ben. I must say, it's always a pleasant time when you're here buddy" 

I was rather surprised by his compliment. We never had any negative interactions, just nothing overly friendly...until today. 

"That's very kind of you Mr. Connelly-"
"Dean, call me Dean"
I paused then nodded and turned my body towards the hallway across the room. 
"Can do. Now, if you'll follow me I can show you to the your rooms for the evening... we also have the rest of the bar at your disposal, but I just want to make sure you know where all the amenities and such are." 

We made our way down the hall that had copper framed photos on wood paneling. The first doors on the right are the kitchen entrance and the office, on the left is the public washroom. Further down the hall, it opened into a bigger room that had a private bar and then two doors to other rooms adjoining that room. All with the same wood, copper, and dark green aesthetic that the Belmont was so fond of. 

"This is the main private room. The bar is fully stocked, except blue Curacao. Can never keep it in stock for some reason. Anyways, feel free to help yourself. If you'd like a bartender, I can play that role as needed. Now, the left room has karaoke and couches. The room to the right has a bed and a bathroom with a shower... so, if anyone needs a nap, then they're set. Any questions?" 

I turned to face Dean who looked up and met my gaze. I guess he was looking at something else... 

"No, this is all great. I've been back here, but I've never actually booked these rooms before... and if you could bartend for the first hour, that would be great...oh! Uhhh, food stuff?" 

"The cook is with us till eleven tonight and we currently have four rotating options, but if you want something else we can make it happen." 

Dean let out a chuckle and walked past me, checking out the bar. 

"No, no, don't worry. Whatever he's got back there, we'll take it. As long as there's balsamic, of course." 

I couldn't help myself from responding. 

"Balsamic? That's the essential for tonight?" 
"It's a versatile dressing that adds complexity to a dish. I'd consider that pretty essential, wouldn't you?" 

A laugh erupted out of me. He has jokes. Dangit. He was built, scruffy, and had a sense of humour... but, he likes balsamic. Guess he isn't my mr.right. 
"Alright, that's fair. You're in luck, we're stocked up. We're brimming with balsamic." 
Dean smiled that goofy smile and stepped closer to me.
"Great.. now, my buds are going to likely be a bit rowdy. I'll be sure to keep them under control, but feel free to let me know if we need to chill the fuck out or somethin'.." 
"For sure. I'll likely phrase it in a more professional way, but I'll hold ya to your word."
"Good. My word is my everything..." 
Odd and intense moment, but hey, we all have our weird stuff, I guess this was his. I started down then hall.
"I believe you. Now I can show you the TV's and I'll give you the remote so you guys can throw on the game or whatever tickles your fancy." 
As we made it out of the hall there were already a group of three guys sitting at the bar. They must've slipped in while I was showing Dean around. 
"Oh hey fellas" Dean called out from behind me. Glad he knows them and they aren't just randoms from off the street. 
The men all looks to me and then past me, all lighting up as they saw Dean. He must be popular amongst his little club of possible ill repute. They got together and I went on my way preparing a round of drinks for them. 
More people came and plenty of arm candy amongst them. I still wasn't sure what they were celebrating exactly, but I can only assume it's something to do with the line of business Dean was in. I'm just the closing bartender and I don't need to get involved. Although, I wouldn't mind getting involved with Dean. He was handsome and rugged. Can't dress for shit, but he still looks good in his outfit and he seems to be rather friendly under the icy exterior. Also, he's packing. Those white linen shorts aren't leaving much to the imagination, even though that bulge was something out of my dreams. It looked...heavy. Just a heavy bulge that you just know will expand and bloom like a flower reaching for the sun once you get their pants off. I bet he's got some hefty balls too... I need a drink. 

I was pouring myself a shot of tequila after I served a few rounds for the party. I was going to knock it back when I heard.
"Oi! what do you think you're doing?"
I stopped and looked to see Dean Connelly. Was he angry I was taking a shot on shift? 
"Sorry? I...I was just-"
"Doing a shot without me!? C'mon bud. Pour me one and pass the salt." Dean clasped his arm on my shoulder and the weight of his hand vibrated through my body and all went to my dick. 
"Of course! What was I thinking"
I passed him the salt shaker and poured him a double shot, as I was passing it to him his hand grazed mine and he held it for a few seconds before taking the shot. Now that was something interesting...
The salty crystals on my tongue were sizzling and dissolving the top shelf tequila, not able to see anything due to squinting my eyes from the burn of tequila. I opened them after a moment and looked to Dean who was smiling and looking a little disheveled. He was too pretty... in that freshly shaven mountain man kind of way. 
"The party is great, you've done a great job. I'll be sure to mention it to Otano...When do you want us out, by the way?"
"Oh, thank you Dean. I'm pleased  its going so well... And I'm at your beck and call until the last person leaves, which is totally up to you". 
Dean smirked and let out a quick sigh. 
"You're far too gracious... Come, join me in the karaoke room...I'll help bring a round a shots for the boys n' girls".
I let out a chuckle and I stood there for a second, feeling like time was made of molasses. I had the gut feeling that agreeing to this would have consequences beyond my comprehension...but I wanted to risk it. 
"Sure! Why not. I'd love to hear your rendition of 'My heart will go on'. I'll grab some beers and a round of whiskies and we're set". 
Dean let out a laugh and commented. "As a former choir boy, I can hold a note. So don't tempt me." 
I set the beers down in front of Dean and paused and just looked at him. 
"A choir boy?"
"...yeah, what?"
"I...Nothing, just an interesting layer to you, is all".
Dean raised an eyebrow at me and then smirked. Sonnovabitch has dimples. Fuck. Fuck him. 
"I'll let  you peel them back, if you want" He said as he picked up the beers and walked into the Karaoke room. 
I felt my mind scramble like it was an out of tune television with all the squiggles and salt and pepper snow storm. That was an absolute, undeniable, totally for sure, flirtation. 
I picked up the tray with the whisky shots and followed him into the Karaoke room. I made a round and passed out the shots before setting the tray down. The Room had a big screen on one end with a small stage, which was more of a podium if anything. And then there was a set of couches and then three booths along the back wall and corner. I felt a nudge to my shoulder and looked to my side to see Dean. 
"C'mon, we're over here". 
I followed him to the booth in the corner and set down the shots for Dean and myself, plus two extra. He set down a beer for each of us as well. We we're set. I didn't expect to get wasted tonight, but hey, Wade wanted me to make them happy, right? 
I scooted into the booth and felt the seat shift and move and Dean slide in next to me, passing me my beer. 
"If the ladies or gents need to grab a drink, I'll be sure to cover any cost. I just want to have a drink with ya and chat"
I shrugged and nodded, I trusted Dean since Wade seemed to think very highly of him. 
"Sure, I'm cool with that. But if you need me to handle anything, just let me know and I -"
"Just drink!" 
I laughed and clinked bottles with Dean and took a swig. Fine, I won't be super professional. Well, within reason, I do have to lock up later. 

After a shot and a beer, we were getting along great. Watching various people try and vaguely succeed at singing some throwback from the 90's, was oddly entertaining and great for bonding. Who knew? 

I felt Dean's thigh rest against mine. He even bounced his leg lightly, here or there. He seemed a little fidgety, but I would be too after what he's had so far. I didn't turn away from him getting closer to me, but that doesn't mean I wasn't not surprised when I felt his big hand rest on my thigh and gave me a few squeezes. He kept his hand there and we watched as one of his associates was successfully singing 'Jessie's Girl'. 
"A lot of your friends can sing...Are you all former choir boys?"
Dean squeezed my thigh and let out a laugh. 
"In some way or another, I guess....You're a fun guy, Ben"
I bumped his shoulder as I said "So are you and your friends". 
Dean slid his hand slowly up my thigh and then stopped. It was like he was testing the waters, but he had nothing to fear. These waters were friendly. I put my hand over his and moved his hand higher and looked to him. He looked down at our hands and then up. He looked pleased and impish. Will I regret this?

His hand was resting high on my thigh and we had just kept his hand there. Maybe it was me being delusional, but it's almost like he didn't want to let me go. I felt his fingers knead my thigh and then draw circles. He bumped my shoulder and leaned his head close to mine. 
"I'm really liking this..." 
I couldn't help my smile and I kissed the side of his forehead. I froze for a second after realizing what I had just done. He looked to me with a smirk. 
"Could I be bold and ask what you're doing after work?"
I paused and thought for a second and then decided to take my chance. 
"You, if you're available."
Dean sat straight up and let out a scoff. He looked to me surprised and then removed his hand from mine and said sarcastically. 
"What kinda guy do you take me for!"
He sat back with me and then reached for my hand, brushing my bulge. He found my hand and moved my hand onto his thigh. I could feel his hairy muscular thigh and something else. I initially thought it was a belt buckle or something before I looked down and noticed a thick bulge running down his pant leg. I looked up to meet his gaze, that impish smile was plastered onto his face. He let go of my hand and then moved his hand to grab the hem of his shorts and hike them up, slowly revealing his monster thick cock that was being freed from the fabric. It's like it swelled even bigger and that's when it sank in that this was going down. Before I thought it was just some heavy petting and flirting, but this was big...and so was he. 

Some of the party had left, others were still belting it out on the karaoke, and others were similar to myself and Dean, tucked away in a booth - likely up to no good. 
I sat there with Dean and had my had resting on his thigh, gently stroking his cock under the table as he spoke to one of his associates. It made me feel rather dirty, but in that fun way. 
I was rather zoned out due to the last shot I had and being transfixed on Dean. He was such a stud and I should definitely not be doing this, but we were just getting along so well and the conversation just flowed. 
Dean and his associate were talking about most of them retiring for the night and that's when his associate looked to me. 
"Hey! Thanks for the night. The Belmont always treats us right"
I removed my hand from Dean's crotch and clasped my hands together and smiled. 
"Great! I'm glad that everyones had such a great time. Whatever it is you're celebrating, the Belmont is glad to go the extra mile."
The associate stood up and looked to the other booths and the woman singing 'Wake me up before you go go' by WHAM!, then looked back to me. 
"I'll start rounding people up and gettin' them outta here for ya. Dean mentioned that you have to stay here till we're done, so, we're gonna wrap it up".
"oh! Don't worry about it, really. I-"
The associate raised his hand and shook his head. 
"No, no. We've had a great time and it's time to call it a night. Thanks again".
He went on his way and started rounding up those that were left. I looked to Dean who was observing his friend and then looked to me. 
"He'll get everyone out of here before 1".
"You guys can really stay as long as you please. I haven't finished the pot of coffee that Mr. Otani made before he left, so I'm set. Really!"
Dean patted my thigh and let out a chuckle. 
"Nahhh, Tim wants the group to move on anyways. There's an after hours strip club that they want to get to".
Ahh, that made more sense. The Belmont was a great place to spend an evening, but we certainly didn't have strippers. I watched as people began to file out, some stumbling their way out of the karaoke room. The woman had finished her skillful WHAM! rendition and followed after Tim. I scooted out of the booth and looked back to Dean.
"Well, this has been great...I hope you have a fun time at the club." I said. 
Dean raised an eyebrow and then crossed his arms in front of his chest. 
"I'm not going with them, actually. I'll be finishing up our tab and making sure there's no stragglers."
I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Dean hanging out after his friends had left.

The last of the party emptied out and I locked up the front door and made my way back up the stairs. I made my way around the bar, turning off table lights and making sure the windows were closed. I made my way through the bar and noticed that all the glasses weren't there anymore. Odd...
I looked behind the bar and didn't see them, so I went into the kitchen where the glasses were all in the wash sink. I suppose one of the party goers took the initiative. They may have shady dealings, but they were nice in their own way. 
I checked out the private bar and closed it down, which was quick. I heard Dean clear his throat and I noticed him come out of the Karaoke room and walked up to the bar. 
"Could I get one shot for the road?" He asked with an unlit cigarette dangling from his lips. 
"Of course. Whisky? Tequila?"
Dean rested his big arms on the bar and thought for a moment. 
"Tequila...I'm feeling fun" He said with a smirk. 
At this point I could just give him his shot, get him to close up the tab, and send him on his way. Or, I could have some fun with him in the private residence room.  
He popped back the shot and set the shot glass down and looked to me for a moment in silence. 
"..what?" I asked after a moment. 
He smirked and said "You're somethin'...Uhh, hey, can I smoke in here?"
"...technically no, but if you open the window in the private residence room over there, feel free..and here's a shot for the road." I poured him another tequila shot and he smiled to me and then walked off into the private residence room. I closed up the private bar and I could hear the window open off in the distance and then the sound of a lighter that seemed to be running out of fuel. 
I had a feeling that if I went into the room with him, that things would definitely progress past the point of no return. But I was already stroking this mans girthy monster cock under a table, so I guess I could consider that I've already blown right past the point of no return around eleven o'clock. 
I closed the metal lid to secure the private bar and made my way over to the private room. 
"Hey, I just wanted to let you know that the last of your party have gone. I did lock the front door, but you can leave whenever you need to, just let me....know..." I came to a slow stop as I looked on and saw that Dean had taken his shorts off and had a cigarette hanging from his lips, his big dick just swinging, lit up by the street lights. He looked to me and smirked and moved his shirt up a bit, showing his hairy stomach, his dick throbbed and bounced and started getting harder. 
"Sorry, I thought you'd be busy for a bit..." Dean said quietly as his dick hardened to its full mass.
Jesus he was a monster. 
I turned and said abruptly. "I can step out again, I-I wasn't aware that- "
"Oh c' were basically giving me the ole rub n tug earlier..." Dean said with a laugh. 
I looked back to him and let out a laugh as well. He had a point.
"You're right...I was just surprised to see you half naked, I guess...".

I leaned against a side table and watched this beast of a man smoke his cigarette with a boner. He was looking me over and and blew smoke out the window. He tapped the cigarette out on the window sill and walked over to me with a smirk on his face. 
"I gotta compliment Otani on his taste in talent...You're the best addition to the Belmont in a long time.." Dean said as he stood in front of me, his thick heavy cock swaying only inches from me. I instinctively reached out my hand and cupped his balls and slowly massaged him. He let out a soft moan, the smell of tequila and smoke lightly in the air, I was ready to have this man blow my mind. 

Dean stepped even closer to me, his cock head poking into my stomach, he slipped his fingers into the top of my pants and tugged. 
"Let's have some fun..." He said as he leaned in and kissed me hungrily. 
I unbuttoned my pants and he slide my pants and my underwear off in one movement, freeing my dick. He didn't break the kiss as his hand found my cock and he started to stroke me and sliding his thumb on the underside of my cockhead. I moaned into the kiss and my hands found his monster cock. I started to slowly stroke him and broke the kiss. 
"Wade can't know"
Dean smirked and nodded as he kissed me again.
His free hand found my ass and quickly his fingers circled my hot hole. I bucked my hips as his finger almost entered me. I broke the kiss and stepped back wards towards the bed on the other side of the room. I reached out my hand to Dean and looked him over as he stood there a little dazed and incredibly horny. He tossed off his hat and pulled off his shirt and walked towards me, he was built nice and thick, with tattoos and beautiful body hair that trailed down to the heaving cock. He met me at the edge of the bed and kissed my cheek gently and asked. 
"How far are you comfortable with goin' ?"
Dean may appear to be intimidating due to his aesthetic and supposed association with a criminal organization, but he's been quite sweet throughout the night. Horny, but sweet. He raised his hand and gently glided his thumb across my cheek, looking at me with an intensity that hit me deep inside somewhere. I took his hand and sat back on the bed and pulled him down on top of me, his strong arms circling around me and holding me, and began to kiss my neck. 
"You can have whatever you want..." I said between heavy breaths. 
He looked up at me with a smirked and stood up, pulling my legs apart and holding them up, he looked down at my bare crotch and ass that was hanging over the side of the bed now. I didn't mind him manhandling me. 
"Can I fuck you?" Dean asked in a softer tone, he furrowed his brows, seemingly concerned that I'd reject him at this point, with my ass currently hanging off a bed at my job. 
I nodded and said. "You're going to have to work me out a little before I can handle your dick...cause, you'll probably rip me in half, otherwise" I finished with a laugh. 
Dean nodded intently and kneeled down between my legs, his fingers finding my hole and gently probing me. I would be fine with him just fingering me, so consider me surprised when I felt his hot tongue on my hole, just a moment later. His tongue ran circles around my hole and alternated with probing his fingers deeper and deeper into me. I was starting to suspect that Dean was very familiar with topping a guy...which somehow got me even more turned on. Clunky first time sex with a straight guy is always fun, but sex with a surprisingly experienced fella is more welcomed. 

I felt him spit on my hole and then slide two fingers in me, my toes curling and my hole clenching on its own. 
"'s okay baby...just breathe"

Holy Shit. I need him in me yesterday. 
I let out a breath and then got into a rhythm of breathing slowly, feeling my hole relax as he entered a third finger in me. My cock was semi hard and flopping around on my stomach, I refused to touch it as I wanted him to jerk me off. But the temptation was building with each finger he put in me. He continued pumping his fingers into me, his free hand reaching up and rubbing my chest. He cooed at me softly as I started moaning. I took his hand that was massaging my chest and said.
"I'm ready...please"
Dean jumped up quickly and had a big goofy grin across his face. When he smiles his chin gets a dimple...ahh, crap, he's cute. 
He had my legs up in the air and parted them as he stepped closer. I felt his monster cock poke at my taint and glide down and around my hole. He left my leg resting on his shoulder and I could feel his thick cock be aimed at my hole and then slowly I felt pressure and then feeling my ass open for him. I let out a long sigh and I felt his arm loop around my leg and I heard him again. 
"'re doing amazing...I've pictured this for months...".
I looked to Dean who was looking down at his dick as he pressed it into me slowly, I couldn't help my mouth hang open. He looked back to me and smirked as he thrust his hips as the widest part of his cock entered me, causing me to let out a gasp and a moan. I reached my hands down to my ass and pulled my cheeks apart, feeling my hole stretch and adjust, making it feel even better. I watched my legs being hugged by Dean, his big hairy pecs, his strong muscular stomach moving as he slid in and out of me slowly. 
"You feel so good..." Dean said as he locked eyes with me and thrust back into me deeply. 
He started to pick up speed and let out a grunt. 
"You okay with this speed? I don't wanna hurt ya...I know I'm a lil too big for my own good.." 
I was in a daze as his beer can thick cock was stretching my hole as his big muscular arms held my legs in the air. Can he stop being so considerate and sweet?
"Shut up and pound me...please" I added so as not to come across too demanding. 
Dean let out a chuckle and then he leaned over me, my legs bending, his dick shifted and moved inside me and it felt so good. His hands rested on either side of my shoulders and he looked me in the eye as he started to pump in and out of me. He grunted with each thrust, his heavy balls slapping against my ass with a heavy slapping noise. I was in heaven. 

I had my eyes closed as I moaned, feeling my hole tingle and feel on fire, I just wanted him to be in me forever, in this moment. He felt so good in me, he felt like he was made just for me. I opened my eyes when I felt his hand move and touch my face. 
"Im gonna cum" Dean said gruffly, I knew what he was implying. 
"cum in me"
He picked up his thrusting speed, his balls slapping against my ass, I began to feel him hit my prostate and I let out a loud moan as I looked to Dean. He kept up his pace and shifted his other hand down to my cock and began to jerk me off. My mouth just hang open as I couldn't handle how much pleasure I was feeling. 
"You're so fuckin' pretty....cum for me, baby".
Dean started stroking me faster, alternating in a rhythm with him pumping his monster cock into me. I was going to blow as I've been horny for hours, I was ready to get off, but it felt like a transcendental experience right now since it was with Dean. His dick felt so good and he was so tender with me. I'm gonna be a wreck when he ghosts me. 
I felt a moan erupt out of me as I felt my hole start to quake and the weirdest orgasm I've ever had was starting. He kept jerking and fucking me, his moaning and panting also getting faster. My toes curled, I gripped the bed as the orgasm pressure finally connected with my dick and I started to cum. With each thrust he fucked more cum out of me as he let out a deep moan and started to cum in me. He pumped as he came pulled me closer so he was buried deep in me as he unloaded. I wrapped my legs around his lower back and pulled him in closer so he fell forward and laid on top of me. We laid there with his thick cock in me, both of us panting and then I heard Dean laugh. 
"That was fuckin' amazing...".
I couldn't help myself but I found his mouth with mine and kissed him softly. He kissed me back and then slid his big arms under me and hugged me as his dick came out of me. He went to move and I hugged him. 
"Post orgasm cuddle isn't over yet..."
He chuckled and laid back on top of me. 
The next day
I had another closing shift today, but Wade let me come in later. By the time I got in, it was around seven in the evening. It was a clear day and the Belmont felt really cozy right now. Likely due to the previous nights memories influence. 

"Last night went wonderfully. Mr. Connelly left a substantial tip and I had multiple compliments about you waiting for me when I got in. You did great." 

I was surprised at how many compliments I got and I was even more surprised that Dean left a generous tip, he didn't need to. 

"Oh great! Yeah, it was a fun night. I'm glad they all had a good time....give the tip to Blake. He helped me close up the bar before he left..." 

Wade smirked and stepped closer to me. 

"That's so kind of you...Did Mr. Connelly already give you a tip last night?"

Well played, Otani...Well played. I nodded and smiled. 

"Yeah, he was the last to leave and gave me a...great tip"

Wade nodded and raised his brows as he noticed something behind me. 

"That's great, you deserved it... Excuse me, gotta help Anna". 

Wade made his way around me and went to the bartender who was struggling with a bottle. At the same time I heard a ding and realized I had a message and that I also didn't silence my phone. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and walked slowly to the office to drop off my bag. My screen lit up and it was a message from Dean. I opened it and was faced with a picture of him standing in all his big, hairy, muscular glory. His heavy, girthy cock on display. I closed the image out of a knee jerk reaction of being in public and getting a nude. I looked at our text chain and noticed he sent a message after the picture. 
'I was thinkin about last night and it got me fuckin horny...You were amazing dude.'
'A pic for your pleasure.'
'I wanna see you down for that?'

I read his messages and couldn't help but smile. I probably shouldn't get involved with a frequent client at my place of employ, and I also probably shouldn't get involved with a guy who is most likely in the mob or something.

'I'm super down. How about tomorrow, Dean?'
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